Ammunition Detection
UPEX 745 P2I
Advanced active sensing solution for BAC and deep search in urban areas and indu- strial estates.
The new UPEX® 745 P2I system offers unique advanta- ges in subsurface search due to its flexibility and the wide choice of transmitter and receiver components. The UPEX® 745 P2I can be optimized for different tasks and operations. It suits for standard on surface usage as well as for borehole inspection.
Due to an improved decoupling from the inspected medium the typical interference from soil magnetic effects (i.e. basalt rock) can be suppressed. Therefore unwanted signals from small scrap can be eliminated. In comparison to conventional magnetic surveys it allows much larger grids with substantially fewer boreholes. This reduces cost, improves revenue even when submitting very competitive offers. The pro- ductivity increase of the UPEX® 745 P2I technology will certainly have an extra impact on business develop- ment as clearance tasks, which were far beyond avai- lable budgets before, could now come under conside- ration.
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