Early warning: Due to the detection of smoke, the fire is identified during its early stages – before the trees are blazing fiercely
Warning messages include exact location: FireWatch calculates the location of the smoke cloud
24 hour survey: Optionally, FireWatch is detecting smoke at the day and optionally fires at the night
Full picture: At the central control office, the image of any camera can be viewed at any time
Documentation: Image recording ensures that events and their history can be analyzed afterwards
Minimum dependency on the personnel's attention: FireWatch automatically detects critical situations and sends an alert to the central control office
Quickly installed: If radio is used, no wire-lines to be laid out
Flexible: The cameras watching the area can be installed almost anywhere, on a mast, a tower or other elevated structure. Radio and alternative power supplies (solar, wind, fuel cells) make the cameras independent from traditional power and telecommunications infrastructure.
Fully scaleable: The FireWatch protected area can be of any size, up to 700 square kilometres per camera.